Recommended videos prior to training:
Dr. Jamie Marich TEDx Talk (2015): Healing The Wounds that Keep Us Stuck
Dr. Nadine Burke Harris TEDxTalk (2015): How Childhood Trauma Affects Healing Across the Lifetime
Hand Model of the Human Brain: Dr. Dan Siegel
EMDRIA: Introduction to EMDR Therapy (2019)
EMDR and PTSD (News Story, 2009)
Prince Harry Targets Painful Memories and Trauma in On-Camera EMDR Therapy Session
The following reading and resources are either required or recommended as part of your training and formation in EMDR Therapy. The only book that the EMDR International Association (EMDRIA) requires as part of the training is Dr. Shapiro’s 2018 textbook. We do not recommend that you try to tackle this before the training. In our experience, it makes the most sense to read after your Part I training. This required reading will be valuable at that time in order to take the required quiz and will be referenced in your quiz study guide. We’ve taken the opportunity to present our reading list, as it appears in our manuals, here and on the webpage, using the following symbols to indicate the most ideal time to read each resource:
* Before the training
+ After Part I
++ After Part II
** After completion of full basic training/consultation
x Read at any time depending on your needs
EMDRIA additionally suggests their Coronavirus Clinical Resources Page, where you can access information on remote technology for offering BLS/DAS via telehealth.
Please also visit the Free Webinars library of offerings provided by Dr. Jamie Marich and associates from March 22-April 12, 2020 in response to the Coronavirus and the shift to teleheath. Additionally, our affiliates with Central Ohio EMDR Connection also offered a free webinar on Ethics of EMDR Therapy and Telehealth During COVID-19.
Required Reading (per EMDRIA)
+ Shapiro, F. (2018). Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing: Basic principles, protocols, and procedures, 3rd ed. New York: The Guilford Press.
Required Supplemental Resources (per EMDRIA)
Go With That Magazine: Special Issue on EMDR and Racial Trauma (Fall 2020)
Guidelines for Virtual EMDR Therapy (EMDRIA, January 2020)
The EMDRIA Definition of EMDR Therapy (September 2019)
Updated EMDR Therapy Reading & Research Lists (2021)
Journal of EMDR Therapy Practice and Research, Special Issue (2019)
About EMDRIA Membership and Programming
Suggested Reading & Resources (from The Institute for Creative Mindfulness)
General Trauma Reading
x Bannit, S.P. (2012). The trauma toolkit: Healing trauma from the inside out. Wheaton, IL: Quest Books.
x Marich, J. (2014). Trauma made simple: Competencies in assessment, treatment, and working with survivors. PESI Publishing: Eau Claire, WI.
x Scaer, R. (2005). The trauma spectrum: Hidden wounds and human resiliency. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
x Van Der Kolk, B. (2014). The body keeps the score: Brain, mind, and body in the healing of trauma. New York: Viking.
x Yalom, I. (2001). The gift of therapy: Reflections on being a therapist. London, England: Piatkus.
EMDR-Related Resources
++ Dworkin, M. (2005). EMDR and the relational imperative: The therapeutic relationship in EMDR treatment. New York: Brunner-Routledge.
++ Marich, J. (2011). EMDR made simple: Four approaches to using EMDR with every client. Eau Claire, WI: PESI Publishing (Premiere).
+ Marich, J. & Dansiger, S. (2018). EMDR therapy and mindfulness for trauma-focused care. New York: Springer Publishing Company
++ Nickerson, M. (Ed.) (2016). Cultural competence and healing culturally based trauma with EMDR therapy. New York: Springer Publishing Company.
** Parnell, L. (2007). A therapist’s guide to EMDR: Tools and techniques for successful treatment. New York: W. W. Norton & Company.
x Parnell, L. (2008). Tapping in: A step-by-step guide to activating your healing resources through bilateral stimulation. Boulder, CO: Sounds True Books.
* Shapiro, F., & Forrest, M. (1997). EMDR: The breakthrough “eye movement” therapy for overcoming stress, anxiety, and trauma. New York: Basic Books.
* Shapiro, F. (2013). Getting past your past: Take control of your life with self-help techniques from EMDR therapy. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Books.
x Burns, M. (Producer & Director). (2011). EMDR: We transform pain or we transmit it [Documentary]. United States: Michael P. Burns.
x Curran, L. (Director). (2012). Trauma treatment for the 21st century [Educational Documentary]. United States: Premiere Education & Media.
x Donovan, F. (Producer), & Nalepinski, B. (Director). (1999). EMDR: Looking through hemispheres [Documentary]. United States: Fran Donovan Productions.
Institute for Creative Mindfulness (EMDR Therapy Demonstration Videos, Dissociation & Addiction Resources, Free Webinars, Yoga & Mindfulness Resources)
Trauma Made Simple: The Official Book Website
Client-Focused Trauma Stabilization Videos & Recordings
The Trauma Therapist Project (Dr. Guy MacPherson)
Resources for Trauma Therapists
An Infinite Mind (Dissociation Resources)
DID Research (Dissociation Resources)
International Society for the Study of Trauma & Dissociation